Professional Home Organizer

Meghan cocchiaro

Pronounced “Co-key-ARE-o” It’s Sicilian ;) Please call me Meg.

I am a professional home organizer bringing peace of mind to busy families in the Denver & Littleton area.

I specialize in working with busy women.

I love to help declutter and organize the homes and lives of ambitious women who juggle careers, motherhood, and other passions because your time is valuable and better spent doing other things! We all deserve to relax in our homes at the end of our busy and (hopefully) fulfilling days and not feel like we should organize the playroom or clean up the garage this weekend because we can’t seem to get a grip on the clutter. I want you to enjoy the convenience of a done-for-you service and the beauty of an orderly space so you can get back to doing all of the things you rather be doing. Creating a decluttered, well-organized space will not only support your daily life but also allow you to relax and be present for those you love - which is crucial for your mental health and productivity. What’s the alternative? Trying to do everything and be everything to everybody and maybe eventually burning out (like I did).


I grew up in northern New Jersey as an only child and in addition to living a typical, happy suburban childhood, I honed in on my natural organizing skills by routinely rearranging my bedroom furniture, color coding my closet and creating Excel-inspired Christmas wishlists for my parents. As a teenager, I was known for disappearing into my friend’s houses to organize their closets - sorry, not sorry ;). It took me one trip to the Container Store when I was 18 and leaving for college to realize there were others out there like me! It took me many more years to realize that not everybody was like me - and that I could help others with my knack for organizing.

I tried to do it all…and burned out

I did all the things I was supposed to do - go to college, graduate, get a “good” job in a fairly secure industry, and start “adulthood.” I was fortunate enough to marry a man I loved “adulting” with, but fast forward a few years and I found myself juggling a lot! I had two young sons, a couple of pets, a full-time corporate accounting career, a husband who traveled for work, and a home to manage (plus that invisible workload we carry as women) - and not surprisingly, I hit my breaking point. I experienced major burnout trying to manage all of the things - resulting in overwhelm, illness, and forgetting to pick up my son from school one day. I realized I was so caught up in the rat race that I wasn’t enjoying the day to day of my life at all.

it’s never too late to make a change

In the midst of realizing something in my life had to give, my best friend told me she was going hire someone to organize her new home (because she too was overwhelmed), and I had an epiphany that that organizer should be ME! So I organized her home while I formulated an escape plan from the job that was no longer serving me. I started Organized by Meg in 2019 and transformed the homes of busy families in New Jersey before I moved my own family and business to Littleton, Colorado in 2022. I now know firsthand how truly chaotic moving is and I love offering new home setups as part of our organizing services.

love the stuff in your life, or leave it

When we are so busy trying to manage our time, we rarely pause to think about what’s filling it. All of the people and to-do’s that we fill our days with and all of the things we physically fill our homes with, take up our mental and physical space, costing us money and consuming our energy. It’s within all of us to simplify!

Hearing about how my organizing services bring such joy and relief to my clients is the best reason to operate Organized by Meg. I will never get enough satisfaction from rolling up my sleeves, tackling organizing projects, and hearing comments from busy moms like “I can’t tell you how life-changing this has been for us,” “My daughter has learned something that is a true life skill,” and “we’ve just been hanging out in our closet since you left.” Thank you for letting me and my team members into your homes and lives! You can read more reviews here.

In my downtime, I love hanging out with my husband, two sons, two dogs and two cats <— yeah I know, too many ;) and enjoying the sunshine and outdoors in the foothills of Colorado. Oh, and reorganizing things in my house just to drive my husband crazy ;)